NOTE: It can take up to 5 working days for students to be graduated in the system after a class.
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Transcripts for successfully completed courses (classroom and Web) taken at Defense Acquisition University (DAU) can be obtained for those courses taken
since the inception of DAU in FY 93 and which were processed through ATRRS. If you took a course before the establishment of DAU in FY 93,
we may not be able to provide a transcript. DAU can only guarantee transcripts for courses taken since the University was established.
For questions regarding DAU transcripts please contact
Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) transcripts are not processed or provided by DAU. FAI students should generate their unofficial transcript from FAI CSOD. All official transcript requests, including transcripts provided by FAI directly to institutions of higher learning, or questions should be submitted to the DAU Help Desk via the Public Service Portal:
Privacy Act Statement
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301, 10 U.S.C. Section 3013 and 4301, Secretary of the Army; Army Regulation 25-1, Army Information Management; Army Regulation 380-19, Information Systems Security; E.O. 9397 (SSN). Principal Purpose: The Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) supports institutional training missions. The system integrates training requirements for individuals by using resources and class schedules developed by the training establishment. Reservations are made by name for training in Army formal schools and other service schools. The system maintains other service schools' input and course completion statistics.
The Mobilization Training Planning System (MTPS) provides resource information to training personnel managers in a mobilization environment.
The Student Trainee Management System Enlisted (STRAMS-E) monitors the flow of trainees through the accession, training, and distribution process.
The Quota Management System provides the U.S. Total Army Personnel Command, Reserve Component counterparts, and other agencies that have an input to training missions, the vehicle to manage individuals and training course seats/quotas through the training base of officers and skill level 2 and above.
The ATRRS system provides the Army's Schools and Training Centers with the data necessary to manage resources associated with the instructors, equipment, and facilities. Routine Uses: None. The "Blanket Routine Uses" set forth at the beginning of the Army's Compilation of Systems of Record Notices also applies to this system.